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Summer Simple Dinner Party with Games

Fun Summer Dinner Party with Games

Summer heat is almost on the downhill toward the autumn.  Let’s have a dinner party, emphasis on fun.  Why don’t you invite your family or friends who will join in on fun.  The two dice games we will play after dinner need everyone at one table.  If you have children perhaps at a separate table, you can crowd them in at game time, or let them play their own version.

When your guests arrive, a cold drink will be appreciated.  About 10 minutes before preparing, set out a can (12 oz) of frozen orange juice concentrate to get a little melty.  When guests start arriving, put OJ in blender along with a can full of ice, about half a can of frozen pineapple chunks, 12 mint leaves, and 1/3 cup of water.  Blend until it is like a smoothie, pour into 8 cups, and add cold Ginger Ale or other beverage, if you wish.  Simple and refreshing.  An easy appetizer could be vegetables and ranch dip.

When you are setting the table ahead of time, put one dice at the top of each plate and 3 dimes.  If you have six guests, have each dice display a different number.  If you have more than six, begin again with 1 and repeat each number.  When you are ready to eat dinner, have each guest roll an extra dice and go stand at the place with that number.  If that place is taken, she rolls again.  It’s a very simple way to mix people up for conversation at the table.  Guests can prepare their own dinner beverages and sit down at their places.

In the summer, you don’t want to use the oven when guests are arriving.  In Texas, we always can please crowds with good barbeque sandwiches.  You can buy the meat or chicken, sauce, and buns.  Plan on standard servings of about ¼ pound of meat for a sandwich.  Beans and potato salad are the traditional sides.  Lately our guests don’t eat as much sides as I think we used to, but your vegetarian friend will appreciate some beans.  You might place a cut up fruit tray on the table for munching.  I also like a broccoli slaw with my barbeque.  I’ll post the recipe soon.  Simple and can be prepared ahead.

After dinner, let’s play two games.  The first game, called Six Lives, is incredibly simple and allows continued talking.  Six Lives can be a fun way to get everyone involved, no one left out.  The rules are in a separate post called Easy Dice Games for Groups.  You could state that the first person out of the game will be the one to clear the table.  The next person out can refresh the drinks.  Keep going around the table until only one person is left.  The winner gets to start the next game.

Dessert might be a cake, purchased or baked that morning.  A fork and plate would be handy since your fingers are frequently using your dice.  The next game will be CLR, also known as Center Left Right.  You only need 3 dice for this game but each player needs 3 tokens – dimes, matches, anything.  The winner gets to keep the dimes or whatever was moved to the center pot!  See the post Easy Dice Games for Groups.

I hope you are inspired to ask somebody over for an evening of laughter and socializing in person!  Connect with your heart.

A bowl of broccoli slaw is set on the buffet table, along with beautiful fresh peaches and fresh mint plant.  Dinner will be delicious!
Broccoli slaw on buffet table


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