
Hello Blogworld

Sharing your home to connect with people

I like to have people over to my house.  It really is the best way to visit and get to know someone and for them to know you.  So why don’t I do it more often? 

I am setting a big goal to keep in better touch with my family and friends and it will begin with gathering together at my house.  My husband is very supportive of this idea, he even instigates the plan sometimes.  Yet we often never get around to asking someone over and then when the day comes, too often we feel it is not worth the effort – we just want to chill at home.  But whenever we do follow through we are always glad.  It reminds me of something like putting off going to the dentist or arranging for your vacation.  You kinda dread getting going on the project but you always feel better afterwards.  And we are talking about holding onto friends and family here. 

Perhaps you may be thinking we never have anyone over because we are too busy or I wouldn’t know what to do or food to serve.  Sometimes life presents a need to get a group over to discuss planning a big birthday party, a PTA committee meeting, or a group Bible study or book club.  Restaurants are fun and easy, but they are not the same as being in a home.

I hope to share some ideas for planning a home for gathering.  Your food, your supplies, even your bathroom can be inviting to others and bring joy to you.  And without requiring a lot of time or money.  Just connecting with people.  My mother taught me many tricks by showing me and I believe I showed my sons the basics also.  Now I want to share all these ideas with someone, you, to enhance your connection with others.  That is what we will remember through the years – people we loved and memories of knowing each other.  And people we put out an effort to bring joy and care to.  It’s not difficult, just takes thoughtfulness and kindness and action.

Bless someone today.  Connect with your heart


Thank you for checking out my site. I am available for speaking engagements about hospitality and the Danish practice of HYGGE. Contact me for more information.

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It's my home

June 11, 2019