Hospitality / Hygge hints / Posts

Hygge hint – Double-Up

Coffee catch-up

Contact a good friend to meet you at a coffee shop for one hour of talking.  I know I always want to meet at home, but this is an intentional “I want to keep up with you” moment, the warm touchy spirit of hygge.  After you both sit down with your beverages, ideally at a table sitting across from each other, start talking.  Set your phone to beep after one hour so you can stop if that is all the time you have.  You could share your list of things to do in the summer, best moment at work in the past month, most difficult person you have to deal with, or favorite songs on your phone.  Just keep connected with your friends.


Thank you for checking out my site. I am available for speaking engagements about hospitality and the Danish practice of HYGGE. Contact me for more information.

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