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Hygge Hint Simplify

Simplify – a Hygge Hint

The elegant, simple, elemental design of Scandinavian interiors is a symbol of a well-ordered life.  And a well-functioning, balanced life enhances peace and harmony in our daily existence.  It is so easy to accumulate things instead of memories and friends.  A lot of stuff is not really necessary to create a comfortable home, something I often need to remind myself of.

One strategy to enhance calmness for my hygge quest is to tidy up, or unclutter.  These are extremely popular tactics today with books, video series, and discussions about shaping up your home, office desk, car, and now even your refrigerator.  Whew, that increases my tension just thinking about it, the opposite goal of de-cluttering.  I think I will today tackle one space to bring peace to my heart.  If I have one room, just one area of a room that is tidied up, I will indeed have a more restful demeanor and enjoy being home more.  Simplifying your whole dwelling is a very big process, especially if you are starting where I am with a stuffed house.  For this single project of bringing a little hygge to my home, I am targeting an area where I will notice the space constantly.  Do I really need 10 books by my side, or the stacks of mail scattered around the house?  What can I bring to this spot that will make it convenient for my purposes?  And to “spark joy,” a Marie Kondo phrase, what can I add to lift my disposition.

Why don’t you join me and find one spot to straighten up, minimize, and make practical.


Thank you for checking out my site. I am available for speaking engagements about hospitality and the Danish practice of HYGGE. Contact me for more information.

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