Posts / Recipes

Apricot Pork Chops

April Pork Chops with Curry

2 lbs. pork loin chops, boneless, about 6 cutlets

2 eggs, beaten

1 ½ cups breadcrumbs

¼ cup oil

1 can (16 ounce) apricot halves in light syrup

2 T brown sugar (or Splenda brown sugar)

½ t curry powder or a little more if you prefer

1 T butter

Prepare the pork chops:  Season the chops with salt and pepper.  Dip the chops in the eggs, then dip in breadcrumbs and press the coating on the pork.  Place on a cookie cooling rack while you finish breading all the chops.

Preheat the oven to 350°.  Heat half of the oil in a skillet.  Fry three cutlets to brown the crust (they won’t be cooked through yet.) Only turn them once to keep the crust secure and then place in a greased oven dish.  Brown the next three cutlets and place in the dish.

In a small saucepan combine the liquid from the canned apricots with the sugar, curry, and butter.  Heat to boiling and remove.  Place the apricots on the pork chops and pour the sauce over all.

Bake uncovered at 350° for 20-25 minutes, until completely cooked through.

Pork chops like this are also good with one cup canned whole cranberry sauce, about 1 T fresh rosemary, and 1T butter used for sauce instead of apricots and curry.  Fruit and pork or chicken is yummy (could make this with chicken breasts.)


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