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Family Card Games 1

Crazy Eights Card Game Rules

Object:  To be the first to get rid of all your cards. 

Setup:  Dealer deals 7 cards to each player (two to five players).  The rest of the deck goes face down in a pile, with the top card turned up beside it – this is the discard pile.  If the visible card is an eight, put it back in the middle of the cards and turn up another card.

Play:  The player left of the dealer must discard one card from his hand that matches either the suit or rank (like a king, ten or ace) of the top card in the discard pile.  If he has no such card, he picks up cards from the deck until he gets one that is playable.  Play continues in this fashion with players matching the top of the discard pile.  Eights are wild and can be placed down on any card.  This player also announces the suit his opponents must play next.  When the deck of cards runs out, leave the top card on the table and shuffle the discard pile.  This now becomes the deck for picking.

The first player to get rid of all his cards wins.


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Hygge Hint - Music

July 25, 2019

Family Card Games - 2

July 27, 2019