Hospitality / Posts

Snacks on Hand

Snack supplies for adults

I have a problem with food because I’m always wanting to eat some!  I am continually telling myself I am on a diet so I don’t want a lot of snacks around the house to tempt me.  This was a much more difficult dilemma when my three sons were at home, especially when they were teenagers.  We had a lot of food in the house.  So I am giving some snack ideas that maybe will help you but are not most teens favorite munchies.

Crackers are incredibly convenient because they last for a while (if you don’t eat them).  I’m sure you have a grocery shopping system of some sort so you add an item to the list when you take the last one of your staples.  This maintains your snacks and actually all your pantry. Nuts also keep and add a little zing to any spread.  Trail mix seems to me to get a little stale if stored for very long so that does not work as well.  Also chocolate is welcome but can taste old after a few months.  Otherwise we could stock up with the sales after holidays but it seems you need to eat them up before the next holiday – again, too tempting to me.  Dried fruit – raisins craisins, apricots – keeps a while and just a little bit goes a long way.

With those crackers you can serve cheese, sausage, and fresh fruit.  An old but still good trick is a block of cream cheese covered with hot pepper preserves.  Chips and dip are easy to munch while visiting and no trouble after setting out.  Offering small paper plates helps with the cleanup, especially if you are inside the house.

My favorite frozen sweets to be prepared for guests is my homemade cookie dough and Marie Calendar’s Razzleberry pie.  Baked cookies take about 25 minutes from thinking of the idea to hot treats.  I keep my best cookie dough in rolls in the freezer, take a roll out when preheating the oven, wait 5 or 10 minutes, slice onto the baking sheet, enjoy the results.  And it makes the house smell good!  The pie with ice cream is always a hit, served with fork or spoon on a plate or bowl.  But do wipe up spills of the pie filling!

A little planning goes a long way so that spontaneous get-togethers can be fun for all.

Connect with your heart.


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