Hospitality / Posts

Setting the table

Proper place setting

Etiquette in our everyday life should be an easy element of life.  And properly setting the table can be such a simple task, whether for dinner every night or for a dinner party for eight.  The guidelines are the same for any placement.  Here are the basics:

The dinner plate is placed in front of the dining chair, the center of the setting.  Forks and napkin go on the left side, knife and spoons are placed on the right.  The instructions say you will use the outer utensils first, then go toward the plate.  Therefore the salad fork is to the left of the main course fork.  Same strategy on the right; soup spoon or iced tea spoon (not very common any more) are to the right of the knife used for the main entrée.  Drinks are placed on the right, above the knife or on either side of the tip of the knife.  Dessert utensils often accompany the dessert dish or can be placed at the top of the plate.  Napkins are sometimes placed on the plate because after sitting down you will remove that napkin and put it in your lap.

When you teach your children to set the table before family meals, you are building a helpful habit for their lives.  It is so easy not to eat together at the dinner table.  But truly sitting together, looking at each other, and sharing your lives is critical for a family of two to many.

I’ll address more etiquette habits in other posts.

Connect with your heart.


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