
It’s my home

Homes are the smushing places that reflect all who abide there

“My house does not look anything like a page in Magnolia Home magazine.”  “My cooking lacks creativity and the newest fad ingredient.”  “The kids always have stuff out.”  These are reasons we tell ourselves why we don’t have people over.  And very likely they are true!  So the issue becomes why does it matter?

We probably all have friends who seem to actually have uncluttered, chic houses.  And maybe they are the same ones who are great cooks!  And I love to go over to those people’s houses.  We get to know people more intimately when we see their homes, even if the scene doesn’t give out the whole picture of who they are.  If more than one person lives in your house, it is never all about you.  Homes are the smushing places that reflect all who abide there.

I had (yes had) a friend who invited us to their beautiful home at Christmas for a party.  She had a large, beautifully furnished house.  The party was a joy to attend – the guests, the bounteous food, and the inspiring decorations.  I never reciprocated and invited this couple over to my house because I was embarrassed my home was so much smaller, hodge podge furniture, and invariably at least a little messy.  But now I regret not letting her know I appreciated her kindness, not just the great food.

I feel like it’s similar to my thinking I’m going to lose weight soon.  I never quite reduce to the size I want to be, so I don’t clear out my closet, thinking I’ll do that when I can really get rid of stuff.  So I’m always feeling like, wow I would look so much better in this outfit if I just lost 10 more pounds.  This attitude makes me not quite as outgoing as I want to be, or as brave to try new things.  BUT

My house, my looks, my life is never going to be at the Perfect Setpoint.  All I have is me, today.  And I love to be with friends so let’s get together, over here.  I will never be perfect, but then neither are my friends or family!  And we never know about the future.

How about letting someone discover a little bit about who you are?

Connect with your heart.


Thank you for checking out my site. I am available for speaking engagements about hospitality and the Danish practice of HYGGE. Contact me for more information.

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Hello Blogworld

June 9, 2019